Scotland’s Rural College

  • Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), a prominent institution established in 2012, emerged from the amalgamation of the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) with Barony, Elmwood, and Oatridge Colleges, weaving together a rich heritage dating back over a century.
  • SRUC embodies a distinctive vision – to serve as Scotland’s enterprise university, positioned at the core of a sustainable natural economy.
  • The institution's mission revolves around the creation and mobilisation of knowledge and talent, fostering partnerships locally and globally to advance Scotland's natural economy.
  • Education, research, and consultancy, facilitated through SAC Consulting, form the triad of pillars driving SRUC’s commitment to cultivating the natural economy responsibly. This entails judicious utilisation of the world's natural resources, encompassing people, land, energy, water, animals, and plants.
  • SRUC's collaborative approach extends to addressing formidable global challenges, prominently those related to climate change, biodiversity, and the imperative provision of nutritious food and clean water.
  • In aligning its efforts with the principles of a sustainable natural economy, SRUC aspires to be at the forefront of effecting positive change, striving to deliver economic, social, and environmental benefits not only for Scotland but also for the broader global community.
  • As an institution deeply rooted in history yet forward-looking in its vision, SRUC emerges as a beacon dedicated to tackling the intricate issues facing the planet through its steadfast commitment to sustainable practices and holistic solutions.

Facts and figures

Year Established 2012
Total Number of Staff 1306
Number of Academic Staff 538
Number of Students 5000
Focus Areas

- Food and nutrition security

- Climate change and natural resources 

- Changing agricultural systems (including animal/plant health and welfare, farm management and biosecurity, etc.)

- Resilient rural and island businesses and communities 

Web link for international students
Fields of Study Offered Economics
Social and behavioural science (others)
Environmental science
Crop and livestock production
Agriculture, forestry and fishery (others)
Veterinary (broad programmes)
Natural environments and wildlife
Environmental protection (others)