Inter-Nord is an international, peer-reviewed journal published online in French and English by the Malaurie Institute of Arctic Research Monaco-UVSQ (MIARC) in France on its website It accepts scientific articles, as well as pieces of creative writing, interviews, book reviews and other writings about the Arctic. It also welcomes illustrations of artwork. Submissions should be sent to: and
Only submissions which respect the journal’s style sheet (see below) will be considered for publication.
Submission of manuscripts: 31 March 2025
Scientific articles should be of 5500 to 7500 words on average, including notes and all spaces (see stylesheet below).
1st reading by the editorial board and delivery to peer-reviewers: 30 April 2025
Feedback from peer-reviewers communicated to authors: 15 June 2025
Delivery of revised manuscripts: 16 August 2025
Proofs sent to authors for final check: 30 September 2024
Publication of issue: December 2025
- Submissions need to be made in word format (.doc or .docx).
- Contributions should be single-spaced, using Times New Roman, size 12 (footnotes size 10).
- The document has to be indented on all sides by 5cm.
- Texts have to be anonymized in view of their evaluation: To permit blind peer-reviews, you need to: delete personal information when saving the file (in Word: Tools / Inspect document); avoid acknowledgements and references to research centers or persons that could identify you (there will be time to add them after the peer-review); avoid linking your name to first-person indications (I, we, my article, our research, ...; there will be time to make these changes after the peer-review). Quote your own work in the third person: I showed in a 2007 paper à Daniel Chartier showed in a 2018 paper. If you need to insert an explicit reference to other research you have conducted, replace your name (or the whole reference) with [author]: [author], “‘This island so sad and beautiful’ – Iceland seen by the French expedition La Recherche in the 1830s – from scientific observation to cultural representation”, Kiel, Wachholtz, 2023 OR [author] 2023.
- Inter-Nord uses footnotes for all references according to the following model:
Illustrations must be provided as a .tiff or .jpeg file with a minimal resolution of 300 dpi. Authors need to procure copyright themselves and at their own expense. Copyright must be clearly indicated next to each illustration. Each illustration is accompanied by a caption and credit information. A reference will be inserted in the text to indicate the desired location of the illustrations.
Bibliographical references
Bibliographical indications are made in the main text, in brackets, with the name of the author, the year of publication and, if applicable, the page numbers cited:
- According to Chantal Camenisch (2018: 33), [...]
- [...] has been the subject of several studies (Hossain 2024a, Hossain 2024b, Camensich 2018).
The full bibliographical references are given at the end of the article in alphabetical order in the following way:
Name, initial of the first name, date, Book title in italics, Place of publishing, Editor.
- Fienup-Riordan, A., 2000,Hunting Tradition in a Changing World: Yup'ik Lives in Alaska Today. New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press.
Edited volumes
Name, initial of the first name (ed.), date, Book title in italics, Place of publishing, Editor.
- Borm, J. & Chartier, D. (eds.), 2018, Le froid. Adaptation, production, effets, représentations. Montréal, Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Articles in edited volumes
Name, initial of the first name, date, “Title of the article in quotation marks”, in Name, initial of the first name & Name, initial of the first name (eds.), Book title in italics, Place of publishing, Editor, p. 00-00.
Camenisch, C., 2018, “How cold was experiences and described in the 1430s…”, in Borm, J. & Chartier, D. (eds.), Le froid, Montréal, Presses de l’Université du Québec, p. 33-44.
Articles in journals
Name, initial of the first name, date, “Title of the article in quotation marks”, Name of the journal in italics, volume, issue, month, p. 00-00.
Hossain, K., 2024, “Cryosphere: linking the Arctic with the Third Pole, Il Polo, no. 1, p. 21-23.
When referencing several works by the same author, indicate the titles according to their publication date in ascending order and use letters if several references were published in the same year: Hossain 2024a, Hossain 2024b.
A French version of this call is available from the attached document.