An example is the Young Hunters Program, as it was presented by Kukik Baker and Jimmy Muckpah from Aqqiumavvik in Canada. “This program provides training (for youth – my remark) that rebuilds relationality with the environment and with others, in efforts to accurately monitor environmental changes, impacts of climate change and promotes sustainable practices grounded in Inuit knowledge and beliefs”, as it says in their abstract. The project seem to open possibilities for youth to develop their identity, self esteem and knowledge on their tradition and history of belonging.

Another presentation by Amelia Amy Ahnaughug Topkok from University of Alaska Fairbanks showed how “to share family history, culture heritage and dance built through intergenerational mentorship” by using training and learning skin-sewing and dance to “share family history, culture heritage and dance built through intergenerational mentorship”, as she describes. This includes youth in the history of their people by doing and develop practical competencies.

Also, other presentations focused on efforts to include youth in activities that both have a potential to develop a belonging and at the same time build their capacities in ways that can help for a good life for themselves and their community. This is far more than social work, but it is also examples of very successful preventive social work with local rooting.

Asgeir Solstad, convener of the session, lead of the Thematic Network on Social Work, Nord University.