
Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI) is a government-sponsored polar research institute of the Republic of Korea. While serving as the operator of national polar programs, KOPRI also advocates international cooperation in polar science and research.

KOPRI initiated the Fellowship Program in 2015 in an effort to promote research collaboration and provide future- generation polar scientists with networking and research opportunities, by making use of its expanding infrastructure and capacity.
KOPRI announces the second call for applications for the 2024 KOPRI Fellowship Program. We encourage prospective candidates to submit applications for the fellowship.

Program Details

The KOPRI Fellowship Program 2024 is open for applications only in the Arctic category. This year, there are no calls for applications in either the Asia or Antarctic categories.

The program invites polar researchers to participate in its Institute Visiting Program that offers office space and/or laboratory access within the KOPRI facilities to awardees.

Once selected, the commencement dates and the details of the research activities are to be adjusted through consultation with the cooperating KOPRI scientists, and details should be forwarded to the Office of Global Cooperation for travel and accommodation arrangements.

How to apply

Each application for the KOPRI fellowship program must have the support of a KOPRI scientist. Therefore, those considering applying to the program are highly encouraged to contact KOPRI scientists and discuss their research proposal before they submit their application. In cases where it is difficult to identify a suitable cooperator, KOPRI’s Office of Global Cooperation will be able to provide assistance and additional information on KOPRI’s research areas.

If you would like to apply for the 2024 KOPRI Fellowship Program, please submit your application to the following email address;

In order for the application to be considered complete and valid, your application package must include an application form, research proposal, home institute agreement, and a letter of recommendation and should be submitted by July 18, 2024.

Summary Checklist for Applicants 

Category Arctic

- Institute Visiting Program


- Early career scientists* from Arctic countries**
- Researchers of Arctic Indigenous heritage*** in all career stages


- Up to 3 months at KOPRI


- Travel (round-trip air fare) and living expenses
- Accommodation within KOPRI facilities
- Office and/or laboratory as arranged with the cooperating KOPRI scientist

Application documents

a. Application Form
b. Research Proposal
c. Home Institute Agreement
d. Letter of Recommendation

Submission deadline

Application documents are to be submitted by July 18, 2024.

- Announcements for the fellowship awardees will be made in August 2024 by e-mail.
- Awardees are required to submit two types of reports: monthly reports during the program and a final report upon its completion.

* Early career scientists: Scientists and scholars who are currently enrolled in master's or doctoral program, or within 5 years (2019-2023) of finishing their master's or doctoral degree
** Arctic Countries: Canada, Denmark (including Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States
*** Researchers of Arctic Indigenous heritage: Scientists and scholars of Arctic Indigenous heritage who are currently enrolled in undergraduate master or doctoral programs, or have completed their undergraduate or master or doctoral degree

Further Information 

As the KOPRI Fellowship Program follows the Korean government’s guidelines against infectious diseases, operational details of the program are subject to change in accordance with updates to the guidelines.

Read more about KOPRI and the Korean Polar Program on our website ( and in our Annual Report (

To find out more about our research interests and activities, please consult KOPRI’s in-house projects (, and KOPRI ABSTRACTS. (

Should you have further questions, please contact the Office of Global Cooperation at the Korea Polar Research Institute: - E-mail: - Phone: +82-32-770-8432