As the name suggests, Shared Voices consists of stories from our members, Thematic Networks, partners, friends, and the broader UArctic community. In the 2024 issue you'll find pieces about constructing a wooden shelter in Scotland as a student project, connecting scholars from the Third Pole with their Arctic colleagues, creating new connections through muskox wool, taking lessons learned from a UArctic internship to one's future work, making research planning in the Arctic more inclusive, and many others stories from across the network.

You can read Shared Voices 2024 online as individual articles, or download the entire magazine as a PDF. Print copies are also available at the Arctic Congress 2024 in Bodø, Norway from May 29 to June 3.  

The magazine is supplemented by UArctic at a Glance which provides an overview of our membership and key activities in 2023. 


Table of Contents


Cover photo: Finnish icebreaker Sisu by Ville Suni / Arctia

The magazine has been made possible with financial support from the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science.


Do you have a story to share? A story that highlights UArctic activities, Arctic expertise of our member institution, or a broader issue in the Circumpolar North? A story that shows how UArctic makes a difference and why collaboration matters? A personal story about your work within the network? Send us an email at to propose a contribution for next year's issue!