Building on Trent’s established role as a centre of innovation on northern research (and in combination with the Roberta Bondar Fellowship in Northern Studies), these lectures are a key feature of academic life at Trent. 

Dr. Jennifer Provencher is a research scientist with the Ecotoxicology and Wildlife Health Division in Environment and Climate Change Canada. Dr. Provencher has collaborated with partners across the Arctic since the 2007‐08 International Polar Year, when she was a graduate student and visited the Arctic for the first time. Her work addresses wildlife health.

Her work in the Arctic currently focuses on legacy and emerging contaminants, with a focus on plastic pollution. The work on plastic pollution in the Arctic dates back to the 2000s, and her research team works to explore both the fate and the effects of plastic pollution on all three of Canada’s coasts. She is currently the lead of the long‐term seabird contaminants project under the Northern Contaminants Program (NCP), and is also the co‐chair of the Litter and Microplastics Expert Group (LMEG) for Canada under the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP).

When: Friday March 4, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. This talk is open to the public via zoom.

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