Selected scholars will travel to Washington, D.C. for three to five days and will facilitate meetings with officials at relevant U.S. government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and other groups. Scholars will be able to share their interests, learn of available resources, build relationships, and provide on-the-ground perspectives to key decision-makers. Indigenous Scholars will also provide an open seminar/webinar to Arctic policy-makers and others interested in the Arctic.

Criteria for the selection of scholars will include factors such as the scholar's potential overall impact during the Washington, D.C. visit, applicant's ability to share the benefit from meeting with policy- and decision-makers, and the potential for that applicant to advance knowledge and its application to real-world challenges through broader connectivity.

To nominate an Indigenous scholar, send a letter of nomination outlining why and how the nominee and their community would benefit from this opportunity. Nominations must include the full contact information for the nominee.

Nomination letters can be emailed to Lisa Sheffield Guy ( or mailed to ARCUS office.
Letters should be emailed or post-marked by 15 February 2018.

More information.

Apply online.