The 15th Ocean Innovation conference will take place in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada, October 4-5, 2016. Hosted by the Fisheries and Marine Institute, of Memorial University of Newfoundland, this year's event is entitled Adapting to a Changing Circumpolar North: Traditional & New Ocean Technologies 

The 2016 Special Issue of UArctic's Shared Voices magazine is now available as individual online articles to read on the web. The print version is also available to view or download as a PDF or view online in Issuu. You can also share articles via Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

The University of the Arctic Thematic Network Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design (ASAD) met in early November 2015 in Anchorage, Alaska. The network's annual symposium consists of a congress, exhibition and workshops. The themes of the meeting this year were culture, community and communication.

Arctic Design Week 2016, the world’s northernmost design week, takes place on 22-28 February 2016 in Rovaniemi, Finland. The theme of this year's design week is Design Business in the Arctic.

UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity in Education will organise an online seminar on Monday, 8 February 2016. This seminar will start a bi-monthly seminar series discussing the issues and topics related to the TNs focus areas.

European Athlete as Student Network (EAS 2016) 13th annual conference will be organized in Rovaniemi, Finland on September 15-17, 2016. The conference also serves as a platform for a new UArctic Thematic Network in sports and education that the partner universities plan to initiate during spring 2016.

The 9th Baltic Sea Region Forum 2016 will be organized on 20 Mayin Turku, Finland under the theme "Maritime cluster in the Baltic Sea region and beyond". The focus of the Forum will be on transport, shipbuilding and maritime cluster.