What do the concepts "indigenous people" and “indigeneity” mean? Are they terms that promote indigenous and human rights, or are they tied to changing power relations in discursive ways? What is the role of these terms in the Finnish context? What are the past and current experiences of indigeneity?

Indigenous peoples’ experiences are closely tied to colonialism, which has shaped indigenous languages, cultures, and livelihoods. But, how is colonialism experienced at micro-levels? What kind of forms did and does colonialism(s) take? How is colonialism reflected in the current research on indigenous peoples? Who defines and decides on research subjects and research topics?

The second day of the conference examines the Arctic and especially Sámi peoples issues. It aims to open new perspectives to the history and presence of indigenous peoples in the Arctic’s multicultural and -lingual history. By bringing together several disciplines, the aim is to foster academic research on understanding the local indigenous communities and the borders of “indigeneity”. During the conference, a broad range of standpoints, results and research problems will be put in enriching, constructive dialogue to provide new insights into the studies on ‘indigeneity’.

 We welcome presentations that address, among others:

- Dynamism of indigeneity in economic, social and political contexts

- Experiences of indigeneity

- Complexity of colonialism

- Indigenous people and research processes

- Arctic multicultural and -lingual history

- Historicism and historicities in the Arctic

Please submit your proposals by December 18, 2016 via the following link: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/75574/lomake.html . The proposal is submitted as an attachment in PDF format including title, short summary and contact details. A certain amount of papers can be presented in Finnish language.

Confirmed keynote speakers:

Ulf Mörkenstam, Associate Professor/Senior lecturer, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Stockholm

Michelle Harris, Director, Institute for Global Indigeneity, University of Albany (SUNY)

Else Grete Broderstad, Professor, Centre for Sámi Studies, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The event is open to the public and free of charge for all participants. For general audience, a registration before January 10, 2017 is compulsory (a link to the online registration form will be provided shortly). Participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation arrangements. The detailed schedule and final topics of the panel discussions will be announced during week 51. The venue is the Central Campus of the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Organisers and contacts:

Reetta Toivanen, Dr. Docent, University Lecturer, Academy of Finland project On "Glocal" governance: On the meanings and consequences of the "vernacularization" of Human Rights Concepts (2010-2016), University of Helsinki (reetta.toivanen@helsinki.fi)

Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen, Assistant Professor, Dr. Docent, Indigenous Studies, University of Helsinki (pirjo.virtanen@helsinki.fi)