Indigenous studies at the University of Tromsø offers you the opportunity to learn more about indigenous peoples around the world. The programme gives you a unique opportunity to specialise in comparative indigenous issues, with perspectives from the fields of history, social anthropology, political sciences and law and culture and language.

With this educational background, you will be qualified for work within teaching and education, promotion and implementation of indigenous issues internationally, civil society organisations, government and public sector, project management, and for further research and studies in indigenous issues.

The programme is designed to give students an expertise in understanding and critically analysing the situation of indigenous peoples in terms of legal rights, political situations, economic adaptions, textual representations and individual and collective identifications with their cultural heritage.

The programme is open to both self-financed applicants and students applying for a scholarship (Quota). When equal formal qualifications are documented, the Quota scholarships will be granted to applicants with an indigenous background.

Students from following UArctic Institutions can apply for a Quota scholarship: