Visiting speakers can include scientists and researchers, indigenous peoples, or any other person with expertise relevant to the Arctic.
Travel grants for speakers include funding for transportation, lodging, and per diem. The funding limit is $1500.00 for domestic tours and $2100.00 for international tours. Applications must be submitted at least one month prior to the expected event dates. Limited grants are available and will be awarded on a case-by-case basis throughout the rest of 2009. Speakers can cover a wide range of arctic topics and address a variety of audiences, including K-12 students, graduate and undergraduate students, and the public.
Organizations and communities interested in hosting a speaker will find information on the application process at:
Arctic experts interested in becoming a Visiting Speaker should complete a speaker profile at:
The AVS program expectations are available at:
For further information about the program, please go to:
Or contact:
Julie Griswold
Phone: 907-474-1600
Travel grants: Arctic experts opportunity to share knowledge
Thu, Oct 08, 2009