On February 28 2008, the University of the Arctic and the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region held a joint seminar in Rovaniemi, Finland on two topics: “Adaptation to climate change” and “Boarders and access to the sea”. Several expert researchers and senior scientists delivered presentations and ba...

National Aboriginal Day is a day for all Canadians to celebrate the contributions of Aboriginal peoples, and events are held in every region across the country. In advance of your local celebrations, we would like to invite you to the launch of new website that helps Canadians learn more about Aboriginal peoples.

Over the course of the next month, UArctic will feature many profiles of students from one of its most active members, Sakha State University. Sakha State has a number of students involved in BCS courses, and is also home to the Russian Information Centre. The Information Centre is responsible for Russian translation of UArct...

The 2008 UArctic Council Meeting concluded today in Edmonton Canada after a successful week of meetings, discussion and celebration. We invite everyone to read our electronic press release for more information, and invite you to share it with others. The UArctic would also like to thank the University of Alberta for their com...

2007 a Busy Year for UArctic

Thu, May 29, 2008
2007 marked a major year for the University of the Arctic. The introduction of ten new members, the development of a Graduate Area, the inaugural meeting of the UArctic Rectors' Forum, the establishment of a Catalog Office, and increased student enrolment ín Circumpolar Studies are only a few highlights from this busy year...

The 11th annual UArctic Council meeting is drawing near. The 2008 meeting will take place at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, where over 110 Council Representatives, UArctic Program Officers, Students and Staff will congregate from June 2-5 for a busy week of meetings, presentations and celebrations! 

UArctic President Lars Kullerud was recently featured in one of the UK's major newspapers, The Guardian. President Kullerud gave insight into one of the most topical issues in the Arctic today- disputes over resources and sovereignty in the Arctic Ocean.

"Sustainable economic growth is an attainable objective. The Nordic Region has made great progress with solutions based on environmental technology, and some day it will be possible to stockpile energy generated from renewable sources such as windmills, and to run vehicles purely on excess energy," was the optimistic message...

Commencing in August 2008, the University of Akureyri will be offering a Master's Program in Polar Law. This program is designed for both lawyers and non-lawyers, and will prepare them for work in the public and private sector, in national and local governments and international organizations, with indigenous peoples of the C...