"The motivations for my north2north experience were many! Although, I can say with absolute definity that it was a passion for the American West, and an interest in the circumpolar North, that brought me from Colorado to study at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks. I have come to recognize that there was always a significant undertone of romanticism in what made these places so alluring; indeed, there is something that excites the old American heart at the call of the "last frontier".

Photo: David Broome, Forever West Photography

In similar regards, Europe and Scandinavia had always been a particular interest of mine. With a burgeoning education in Geography, these places only became exponentially more interesting. Following my first year of studies at UAF, I met so many wonderful international students from abroad, and I came to realize what an immeasurable experience it would be to also have the opportunity to cultivate my own education in the far reaches of the globe. I began to question where it would be most suitable to forego this initiative, and without question, the remarkable geographic qualities of Norway, both naturally and culturally, became my primary objective.

Photo: David Broome, Forever West Photography

The unique geography of Tromsø, in particular, caught my attention. For those who know the town, they will easily understand - after all, it is a European city, on an island, in the middle of a fjord, surrounded by mountains, under the northern lights! Such a destination was all the more alluring as a photographer, and in the end, only Svalbard was a close second. But thankfully, even Svalbard was just a short hop away.

Among the primary objectives of my studies abroad, I hoped to see, learn, understand and capture the unique geographical qualities of the northernmost regions of Europe - both naturally and culturally. Such an experience would surly be invaluable to a young man hoping to better understand the values of the world, through the cultivation of mind and character. Additionally, it was my hope to continue building my professional network in Northern Europe. In the end, I don't know if it could have been possible to make a better choice.

Photo: David Broome, Forever West Photography

I was very fortunate to fulfill the objective of my studies abroad, which continue in to this day. The knowledge, education, experiences and development that I have had the privilege to immerse myself in have given so much, for which I am compelled return a lifetime of gratitude. Of course, there were plenty of unexpected accomplishments along the way. For one, I was most thrilled to discover that Tromsø has a wonderful ice hockey community. From the day that I arrived, I was welcomed, and had the honor of participating in one of the most defining communities of my youth. While studying, I had the opportunity to play in an international hockey league, even taking me to Northern Russia. And of course, I never could have expected to meet the wonderful friends that I did, who did so much to make the experience the deeply cherishable one that it was.

Photo: David Broome, Forever West Photography

The impacts of my studies abroad in spring of 2013 have been most profound in directing the course of my personal academic and professional journey. Following my semester abroad, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to return the following autumn to debut with Tromsø Hockey in the Norwegian Second Division. During this time, I was able to develop my leadership skills through volunteering and working part time as an ice hockey coach. By further progressing my network within Norway, I was later able to work with the Norwegian Red Cross, the Tromsø Kommune, restaurants and cafes, and, most excitingly, as a northern lights tour guide for Arctic Explorers. These years in Norway have also allowed for me tackle a Master's degree in natural resource management, specializing in Geography, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim".