UiT The Arctic University of Norway
All News Articles
This month
- 18th International Congress on Circumpolar Health (ICCH) in Halifax, Canada
- An edge of an edge of an edge
- Call for Applications: 2025 UArctic Project Call for Networking Activities on UArctic Research and Education
- The networking project on healthy ageing and outdoor environment: Mid-term workshop in Copenhagen
- Soptsestimmie: another way of being the academia
- 2024 UArctic Board Meeting in Labrador, Canada
- 2024 FP Award winners: "Multiple initiatives together lead to an outcome that becomes useful"
- Thematic Network on Arctic Law “Arctic Archives” subgroup delivered two seminars at the 17th Polar Law Symposium
- Ocean Census facilitates a taxonomic workshop together with UiT the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø
- Nord University Joins Arctic Six
- Press release: Methane Capturing Initiative Wins 2024 Frederik Paulsen Award
- Study reveals significant shifts in marine invertebrate distributions in the Barents Sea over the last 150 years
- Highlights from the "Sustainable Teacher Education Empowering Arctic Futures" EAF 2024 Conference
- Thematic Network on Arctic Transport and Logistic at the ONS 2024
- Arctic Frontiers Student Forum: Call for student applications
- Reminder: Apply for a grant from the UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund
- Highlights from the 2024 "Tectonics and Volcanism" Course in Svalbard
- Introducing shortlisted nominees for the 2024 FP Award: Alexander Tøsdal Tveit, Lisa Y. Stein, Fang Qian
- DALAM meeting held at the Polar Libraries Colloquy in Tromsø, Norway
- Reminder: Apply for a grant from the UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund
- New Publication: A Research Agenda for Arctic Tourism
- Blog: The UiT-The Arctic University of Norway delegation visit at University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) and Arctic Encounter Symposium 2024
- The CCCI PhD summer school held in Oslo, Norway
- “Art for Arctic Business” project received funding for business and art collaboration
- Memorable Reception at the Foodlab Lavvo in Bodø
- Norwegian funding for Project Collaboration within the Framework of the University of the UArctic 2024-2026
- The UArctic funded onsite postgraduate course “One Health in Northern Communities and Ecosystems” took place in Norway in June 2024
- Call for Applications: UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund
- International Arctic Seminar Series online in fall 2024
- Arctic Five appoints new Chairs
- "Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement as a condition for a Just Green Transition - A Canadian and Nordic perspective" - Session at the Arctic Congress 2024 Bodø
- Thematic Network on Working in the Arctic organized a scientific session at the Arctic Congress 2024
- North2North staff mobility to the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GINR) for the exploration of Greenlandic meiofaunal flatworms
- Intersectional Gender Equality within Academia - Exploring Sustainable Futures at the Arctic Congress 2024 Bodø
- First loriciferan discovered in the Norwegian Arctic
- UArctic welcomes new Thematic Networks
- Establishing the Arctic Five as a UArctic Regional Centre
- Shortlisted nominees for the 2024 Arctic Academic Action Award
- Thematic Network on Arctic Cultures and History at the conference "The Arctic in Eastern and Central Europe: Knowledge, Perception and Communication in 17th -19th century”
- Call for papers: International Workshop “Small States and Arctic Sustainability”
- Arctic University Museum of Norway launches digital portal to zoological and botanical collections
- New publication: Herbivore diversity effects on Arctic tundra ecosystems: a systematic review
- Resource Available: Arctic Climate Science: A Way Forward for Cooperation through the Arctic Council and Beyond
- New First Level University Master’s Course in Geopolitics of the Arctic
- Registration open for a multidisciplinary, postgraduate 10 ECTS course on One Health in Northern Communities and Ecosystems!
- Call for the Arctic Five Chair Program 2024 is now open!
- Postdoctoral Position Available: Marine Ecology/Arctic Biological Oceanography, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Student story: University of Alaska Fairbanks student, Cole Funke went on Exchange to the UiT, campus in Alta
- PhD Position Available: Marine Ecology/Biological Oceanography, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Online talk: "Captive in a prone area? Landowner responsibility for preventing disaster risk in the built environment in Norway"
- The multidisciplinary course in One Health team meeting: Keep an eye on the student Call to be out shortly
- Developing joint deeper innovative inter-university educational collaboration bridging the Fram Strait
- Meet UArctic January 2024 - UArctic projects calls
- UiT and the University of Alaska Anchorage renew their cooperation agreement.
- Thematic Network on Working in the Arctic held a meeting on "Arctic outdoor occupational health and safety in the changing climate"
- Call for Applications: 2024 UArctic Project Call for Networking Activities on UArctic Research and Education
- International Conference at Ilisimatusarfik- University of Greenland: Language ideologies and inequality with a perspective on the Arctic
- Call for Abstracts for the Session "Intersectional Gender Equality within Academia - Exploring Sustainable Futures in the Arctic"
- Mohn Prize 2024 was awarded to Oran Young
- Arctic Urban Sustainability and the UN SDGs through the Lens of the Arctic Mayors’ Forum
- Position Available: Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Heavy Metals in Marine Food Web
- Breakout session at the Arctic Circle Assembly on Socio-Political dynamics of Inter-Polarity
- Mon projet nordique/My Northern Project Competition winners 2023
- Indigenous peoples and national minorities in teacher education: perspectives from research and teaching
- New intern From Greenland joins UArctic International Secretariat in Rovaniemi, Finland
- Position announcement: PhD fellowship investigating Fossil Meiofaunas from Baltoscandia and meiofaunal evolution
- Publication: Geometric morphometrics of macro- and meiofaunal priapulid pharyngeal teeth provides a proxy for studying Cambrian “tooth taxa”
- Position announcement: Associate Professor in Border Studies
- New project ACCESS organises a conference on educational sciences on September 18-20, 2024
- Alaska Geology Field Excursion, September 2023
- Innovating new biotechnologies for carbon capture: Follow-up on the first UArctic Seminar
- The leaders and members of the Thematic Network on Ageing and Gender in the Arctic have published a book from Routledge
- Online and In-Person: Arendalsuka 2023
- Blog: From Aberdeen to Tromsø: northern perspectives on/in the north
- Thematic Network on Working in the Arctic receives funding for "Arctic outdoor occupational health and safety in the changing climate" project
- Developing a permafrost internship service – strengthening the link between higher education and working-life
- 2023 UArctic Project Call Results for Indigenous & Northern Collaborative Research & Education and Relationship Development Initiatives
- Workshop on Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Power Electronics held in Narvik, Norway
- 2023 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on UArctic Research and Education
- International workshop on technologies for sustainable development organized 5-8 June 2023
- University Master’s Course in Sustainable Development, Geopolitics of Resources and Arctic Studies
- North2north coordinators gather in Alta, Norway
- Webpages for the new Thematic Networks launched
- Calotte Academy 2023: Non-state actors and circumpolar regionalization
- UArctic welcomes new Thematic Networks
- The UArctic Assembly 2023 concludes
- UArctic Assembly 2023 - Day 2: Key Decisions
- Open call: Mohn Prize 2024
- International Workshop on Technologies for Sustainable Development
- Research Across Borders on Particles in Snow
- Korean and Norwegian collaboration on Arctic geological research
- SUDARCO: Sustainable development of the Arctic Ocean
- Læra Institute at 25th Arctic Science Summit Week
- Presentation and Panel Discussion on Black Carbon and Climate Change
- Training ocean leaders for a blue/green future
- SIOI: High Nord Dialogue and side event in Bodo - 18-21 April, 2023
- Register now: HAI-FES International Workshop "Building bridges between Arctic and non-Arctic"
- Norwegian project Dsolve aims to make fishing sustainable
- Video available: The Future of Arctic Science and Science Diplomacy – side event at Arctic Frontiers
- Sàmi House Formally Established in Tromsø, Northern Norway
- Graduate Seminar on Climate Change and Resilience in the North, February 27, 2023
- Arctic Circle Japan Forum: Program is now out
- Open Call: Arctic Five Fellows
- UArctic President to speak at the Arctic Frontiers 2023
- UiT Call for Applications: 2023 UArctic Project Call for Networking Activities on UArctic Research and Education
- Recording of the panel discussion "Education, Equity and Inclusion: Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North" published
- UArctic Staff Meeting in Lapland
- "Education, Equity and Inclusion - Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North" book launches were held at the University of Lapland and at the FERA Conference
- Meet UArctic: Canadian Member Information Session presentation
- DeConcrete Closing Seminar
- A Seminar discussed the Arctic dimensions of human rights
- Final scientific meeting of the joint research project MAREC: The inter-organizational coordination of mass rescue operations in complex environments
- The Nansen Legacy symposium, Tromsø, November 7-9, 2023
- UArctic Board meets in Copenhagen
- Call for abstracts and registration: International Conference on Sámi Research Data Governance 2023
- Svalbard reindeer diet-switch from moss to grass supports reindeer population growth in the face of dramatic winter and summer climate changes in the High Arctic
- Project progress: The ConnectED Project
- First UArctic President's Leadership Medals awarded
- north2north staff exchange in Norway and Sweden
- Registration open: Arctic Frontiers 2023
- Project activity: Svalbox2020
- Project activity: Digital North: Three-Dimensional Technologies and Arctic Education
- Position announcement: Associate Professor in Border Studies
- Call for abstracts and registration: 2023 Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Polar Marine Science
- The successful kick-off of the Nordforsk funded CLINF-Green project
- Travel report: External stay in Tromsø, Norway
- UArctic member visit to Western Canada
- UArctic Project Call Results 2022 for Networking Activities on UArctic Research and Education
- 2022 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on Arctic Research and Education
- Representing the Arctic internationally: Interview with Anne Husebekk, Kirsi Latola and Melody Brown Burkins
- Webpages for the new Thematic Networks launched
- Calotte Academy student experience
- The New England Arctic Network – New England’s deep history and bright future for Arctic collaboration
- UArctic welcomes four new Thematic Networks
- Key decisions from the 2022 Assembly meeting in Maine
- Post-professionalism in healthcare - Guest lecture by Prof. David Nicholls (AUT University Auckland, New Zealand)
- CAGE International Conference: Methane in a changing Arctic
- Workshop: Human Security, Models of Co-management, and Arctic Peoples' Participation in Decision-making (The SEPA Project)
- Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics
- CASES International Forum 2022 on 10-11 May
- Resettlement of Indigenous Peoples in the Arctic: Case study of the Sámi people on the Kola Peninsula, north-west of Russia
- Conference on Sami Youth Health at UiT postponed to Fall 2022
- Register now: Effects of the pandemic on the European Arctic and Indigenous Health
- Arctic Five Education project held workshop in Tromsø
- Antarctic RINGS international workshop, 27-30 June 2022 in Tromsø
- SONE Conference 2022 at UiT: April 21-22
- Isabelle Guissard appointed as VP Mobility: Co-Operation Agreement Signed with UiT
- Calotte Academy 2022 - Call for Papers
- Arctic Science Summit Week Session Announcement: Navigating the New Arctic (NNA) International Meeting
- Session Announcement Advancing Arctic Observation and Data Actions within the U.N. Ocean Decade Plan
- UN CSW66 Parallel NGO Panel: Gender Equality and Empowerment in the Arctic
- JSGS master’s research contributes to empowering expecting Indigenous mothers
- Apply to UiT´s Ocean Leadership: Experience-based master
- MOSAiC: The most extensive Arctic Research Expedition ever - Autumn 2019-Summer 2020
- Critical Legal Conference 2022 hosted by UiT - The Arctic University of Tromsø
- UiT Call for Applications: 2022 UArctic Project Call for Networking Activities on UArctic Research and Education
- A protocol for conducting a systematic review on the effects of herbivore diversity on tundra ecosystems
- PhD Position Announcement: Meteorology/Numerical Weather Prediction Modelling - UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Extended Deadline - Call for Input: Arctic Observing Summit 2022
- Save the date: Arctic Science Summit Week 2022
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 13: Economy
- Eating Plants to Mitigate the Impacts of Climate Change on Tundra
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 11: Law and politics
- UArctic Rectors meet in Versailles
- Registration open: Online course “Arctic Inclusive Education”
- The Arctic Five 2021 call for Chairs
- Postdoctoral position announcement: International Relations - UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Online course “Arctic Inclusive Education” on spring term 2022 – registration is now open
- Seminar: Strengthening Region-building through Multilevel Governance and Interregional Cooperation: Urban Sustainability through the Arctic Mayors Forum: Part 1
- Engaged Youth: Interview with Daria Makhotina
- UArctic Project Call Results 2021 for Cooperation Activities on Research, Education and Outreach
- Announcement of the winner of the Mohn Prize 2022
- ASAD Virtual Exhibition Launched: Living in the Landscape
- Arctic Spirit 2021 pre-event: Seminar on Strengthening Region-building through Multilevel Governance and Interregional Cooperation: Urban Sustainability through the Arctic Mayors’ Forum: Part 1
- 2021 UArctic Project Call Results for Networking Activities on Arctic Research and Education
- Virtual workshop on Ethics and Methods in Arctic Transformative Research, November 25-26, 2021
- Interviews of UArctic Board members: Anne Husebekk
- Online Seminar: “Cross-border interregional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region as a driver for the development of the Russian Far East and the Asian Arctic”
- Postdoctoral position announcement: Zooplankton Environmental Tolerance at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- PhD position announcement: Meteorology/Numerical Weather Prediction Modelling at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Two new project grants awarded to UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education
- Paul Arthur Berkman receives Fulbright Arctic Chair 2021-2022 to Norway
- Online workshop on The Barents Region
- UArctic welcomes seven new Thematic Networks
- Rectors Roundtable recording
- Thematic Networks interviews series, part 2: Focus on Education
- UArctic Rectors Roundtable, Online May 15, 2021
- Project IPED held an online workshop Árran on contemporary Saami education and its research needs
- The Morning Watch journal published a special issue on Education in the Circumpolar North
- Arctic Five project group gathered together to develop joint online study course
- Calotte Academy 2021 - 30 Years Academic Discussions in Inari
- Mohn Prize 2022 - Call for nominations
- Measuring herbivory across the tundra from plots to landscapes
- Last day to apply for online master’s program in Governance and Entrepreneurship in Northern and Indigenous Areas
- Save the date: Online workshop on co-creating Arctic research together with indigenous right-holders
- New French intern at the UArctic International Secretariat
- Increased, intensified and insightful collaboration among the universities
- MSc position at the Agricultural University of Iceland
- Apply for online master’s program in Governance and Entrepreneurship in Northern and Indigenous Areas
- Save the date: Online workshop on Sámi education
- Online seminar: Indigenous Health Research Ethics in the Arctic
- PhD position in terrestrial ecology, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Iceland
- Postdoctoral position open in Tromsø
- Online Norwegian-Canadian Northern master’s program ahead of the curve
- Call for Applications: Field School on "Sustainable Nursing in the Circumpolar North"
- UiT Call for Applications: 2021 UArctic Project Call for Networking Activities on Arctic Research and Education
- Calotte Academy 2021 - 30 Years of Academic Discussions in Inari
- Online workshop: Multilevel Governance and Interregional Cooperation: Vol.1 – The Pacific Arctic
- UArctic Thematic Network on POPs and Chemicals of Emerging Concern in the Asian Arctic TN-PCAA - eWorkshop 2020
- Arctic Career Seminar, Oct 21
- Project IPED invites participants in online workshop on Indigenizing education - Registration is now open
- Arctic Tourism in Times of Change: Dimensions of Urban Tourism
- UArctic Thematic Network on Ageing and Gender in the Arctic received a new project on Ageing, gender and ethnicity (AGE-Arctic)
- Arctic Innovation Lab online Oct 9
- UArctic Thematic Network on Ocean Food Systems receives funding for the project "Network for Aquaculture Education in the Arctic"
- Students Barents Rescue exercise held at NORDLAB
- IASC's Announces Dr. Gerlis Fugmann as its Next Executive Secretary
- Umeå University hosted the fifth Arctic Five workshop
- International Arctic School took place at Harbin Institute of Technology
- Local Summit “Contemporary Issues in Education in Multicultural North” held in Levanger and Sjodal, Norway
- Session Announcement: Chemical contaminants in polar and extreme environments
- "Living in the Landscape" International Summer Schools continue in June 2020, in Nordland, Norway
- Online course in spring 2020 "Northern Tourism: Performances and Experiences"
- Cooperation in the Field of Arctic Studies between Iceland and Norway: Two Announcements
- Funding has been granted for research workshops on Indigenous Pedagogy in Teacher Education
- Summit "Contemporary Issues in Education in Multicultural North" - Registration open
- The Final Workshop of Food (In)Security in the Arctic was held in Rovaniemi
- The Arctic Five presents: "Challenges in times of change - Current research on ecology, sea and climate in the Arctic"
- Food (In)Security in the Arctic: The Final Project Workshop will be held in Rovaniemi on 26-27 August, 2019
- Online course in fall 2019: Advancing Predictive Capability of Northern Hemisphere Weather and Climate
- Call for nominations: The Mohn Prize 2020
- MOSAiC, The largest Arctic scientific expedition starting now
- Call for Papers: International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning (ICITL 2019)
- The third Arctic5 workshop concluded the successful "Joint Online Master Course on the Arctic Inclusive Pedagogy" project
- Arctic Tourism in Times of Change: Seasonality
- UArctic’s Board meets in Tromsø to focus on UArctic’s future and external relations
- The Arctic Five presents: How do we build climate-resilient societies in the Arctic? Online seminar
- International Arctic Forum 2019: a roundtable discussion “The Arctic: Development of International Cooperation" with UArctic participation
- UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education launched a new publication
- Why Does Northern Mobility Matter?
- Sustainable Tourism Development in the Nordic Arctic Project
- Thematic Network on Northern Nursing Education is working on a Greenlandic Model
- Promoting Academic Mobility in the Arctic North
- 25 years of NArFU - UiT collaboration: working together for the best future in the region
- The second workshop on Food (in)Security in the Arctic was held in Umeå, Sweden
- Thematic Network on Teacher Education to develop a joint Online Study Course on Arctic Inclusive Pedagogy
- UArctic World Ensemble Concert
- University of Lapland and UArctic hosts Northern Youth Eco-Forum
- Thematic Network on Northern Nursing Education publish Open Education Resource
- Two PhD positions open in the area of Arctic Remote Sensing at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Thematic network on Teacher Education works towards a common Nordic Master’s Degree Programme
- Exhibition of Komi village landscapes opened
- UArctic Thematic Network ASAD organized a summer school in Komi
- PhD Position in Optical Remote Sensing for Water Quality Parameter Retrieval available at UiT
- Event on Sustainable Arctic Tourism in Tromso, Norway on 30 April
- Local Summit "Teaching for Diversity and Inclusion in Arctic": Registration open
- Local Summit "Teaching for Diversity and Inclusion in Arctic" on May in Tromsø, Norway
- Post-doctoral Research Fellowship in Global Arctic Studies at UiT the Arctic University of Norway
- Call for Papers "Queering Indigeneity: Indigenous Queer Intersections in the Arctic"
- Report: Workshop on developing guidelines for Arctic research ethics
- Announcement: Project Funding for Cooperation Activities within the Framework of the University of the Arctic
- PhD Candidate in bibliometrics at UiT
- Calotte Academy 2018 call for papers
- 10th Polar Law Symposium discussed global and local governance of the Arctic and Antarctic
- UArctic Thematic Network Lead selected as Nansen Professor 2017-2018
- Arctic Europe’s university rectors establish the Arctic Five partnership
- How do non-Arctic actors’ interests matter the Arctic? – debates around Arctic Circle assembly
- Master's program on indigenous studies open for applications at UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Northern perspective on tourism – University of Lapland launches a new master's degree programme
- Arctic Council at COP23: Climate change in the Arctic and its global impacts
- New Thematic Network to foster international research cooperation related to migration in the Arctic
- Nominate for the Arctic Mohn Prize
- UArctic's Seven New Thematic Networks
- NPE symposium 2017 Political Arctic/Arctic Political, 26-27 September 2017
- Summer school report: A change of perspective, ICTs at 78 degrees north
- Call for papers: Language Contact in the Circumpolar World
- Summer school on the Arctic Ocean and the marginal ice zone (MIZ) taking place in Longyearbyen, Svalbard
- Call for Participants: UArctic Thematic Network “Arctic Extractive Industries” Phd and Masters course
- Calotte Academy 2017 discusses perceptions of the Arctic
- North2north partners meet in Québec City
- Visualizing Environmental Change exhibition opens in Tampere
- Students selected to the 3rd Arctic Academy in Korea
- Summer school - The Arctic Ocean and the marginal ice zone (MIZ)
- Online seminar: Diversity in Learning
- Delegation from Yakutia Region visits Alta
- Collaborative Arctic Summer School in Epidemiology, June 19 – 23, 2017
- Call for abstracts - Understanding Peace in the Arctic
- PhD Summer Course - Methodology and legal science within the international Law of the Sea
- Announcement of Project Funding for Cooperation Activities within the Framework of the University of the Arctic (UArctic) for the Academic Year 2017-2018
- Calotte Academy 2017 - First Call
- Living in the Landscape International Summer Schools starting 2017 in Komi, Russia
- Danish intern joins UArctic International Secretariat staff
- ALTA 2017: Call for abstracts. Deadline: 15th February 2017
- International Autumn School «Study of human working capacities in the Arctic»
- Indigeneity in the Arctic: Local and Global Experiences - Call for Papers
- Academia in the freezer: running a university on top of the world
- Top Norwegian university for Arctic research impact
- Interdisciplinary PhD Course in Marine Sustainability
- Reminder: Post-doctoral Research Fellowship in Global Arctic Studies
- 4th International Indigenous Voices In Social Work Conference
- Seminar - The Changing Arctic, Environment and Governance
- Maritime Preparedness and International Partnership in the High North (MARPART project)
- Barents Summer School 2016: Towards Sustainable Communities in the Barents Region
- Joint intensive course between UiT The Arctic University of Norway campus Alta and Murmansk Arctic State University
- Students selected to the 2nd Arctic Academy in Korea
- A book on security in the Arctic was presented at NEFU Scientific Library
- Course announcement for students: UArctic PhD and Masters Programme "Arctic Extractive Industries"- course in Yakutia 16-21 Feb 2016
- Arctic Lessons: A COP21 Side Event hosted by Nordic universities
- International publishing project for local and regional development
- Paris Arctic Climate Research Strategy Meeting
- Great example of collaboration in northern tourism - Thematic Network meeting in Alta
- Valuing higher education exchange
- International Arctic Workshop on Online Case Based Learning
- Seminar Making Cultural Heritage Online: Lars Levi Laestadius, Tromsø, 29-30 October 2015
- Funding awarded to Arctic Tourism Project
- There is enough energy in the North - not considering oil and gas
- Arctic Geology field trip took place in Russia, summer 2015
- New interns begin their work at UArctic International Secretariat and the north2north International Mobility Office
- UiT The Arctic University of Norway seeks PhD student in arctic sea ice ecology
- Council of UArctic meets in Buryatia
- Six new Thematic Networks approved at 18th meeting of the Council of UArctic
- Conference "Arctic Marine Resource Governance"
- Security and resource (geo)politics at focus in the Calotte Academy 2015
- Students selected to the Arctic Academy in Korea
- Field courses offered by Thematic Network on Arctic Geology
- NRF at ICARP III in Toyama, Japan on 29th of April 2015
- CASE: application process will be closed soon
- Calotte Academy 2015: Resources and Security in the Globalized Arctic, May 31 – June 7, 2015
- UArctic Board meets in Longyearbyen, Svalbard
- Collaborative Arctic Summer School in Epidemiology, 3-7 August 2015 in Yellowknife, Canada
- Conference on Security and Governance in the Global Arctic: Nordic and International Perspectives, 12-13 Nov 2015, Aarhus
- Thematic Network on Arctic Law meets in Rovaniemi
- Call for Abstracts: In the Spirit of the Rovaniemi Process
- Delegation from Ilulissat College of Social Education at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, campus Alta
- NArFU representatives at the final conference of the Kolarctic project «ArctiChildren InNet»
- Barents Studies Supplementary Issue
- First group of UArctic Student Ambassadors appointed
- Northern universities share the experience of teaching English language
- Thematic Network on Geopolitics and Security’s Panel on Security of the Arctic
- Bachelor of Northern Studies ceremony in Murmansk
- Call for Papers: 2015 EU-Arctic Conference,29-30 May 2015, Dundee, Scotland
- Becoming effective Change Makers: How to realise our dreams of a sustainable future
- Open seminar: Past, present and the future of the Barents
- UArctic's second year at EAIE a success
- Aging resource communities: Population Dynamics, Community Development and the Voluntary Sector
- From Gargia to Oktyomtsy
- Arctic Floating University successfully completed its work in 2014
- Seminar: The EU in the Arctic, the Arctic in the EU
- Arctic Spotlight: UArctic session at EAIE Prague, Sept 19
- Recent Changes to three UArctic Thematic Networks
- Conference:New eHealth Approaches for School Children
- Conference:Challenges to Develop New eHealth Approaches for School Children
- Arctic Frontiers 2015 Call for papers for scientific section
- UArctic members participating in a workshop of the Kolarctic project ArctiChildren InNet
- Call for Papers. Barents Institute presents Mining in the Arctic: Sustainable communities, economies and governance?
- Sustainable Fishing in the Arctic, May 7, 2014 Brussels
- Sustainable Fishing in the Arctic
- Master of Landscape Architecture in Tromsø
- From Nunavut to Finnmark
- Arctic Frontier Side Event: How to Create a Climate for Change, Jan 22
- Arctic Frontiers side event: "Humans in the Arctic: How to create a climate for change"
- Sochi Olympic Torch Run to the North Pole – A symbol of Arctic Cooperation
- Learn Norwegian – in Murmansk
- International Gargia-Tana conference 2013, Tanabru, Norway, October 23–25
- UiT course announcement: Visualizing Your Science, 16–20 October 2013
- Arctic Frontiers 2014: Humans in the Arctic - Call for Papers
- University of Tromsø recruits students with new promotional video
- A World of Questions – new promotional video for biology studies at UiT
- Centre for ocean law to be situated at the University of Tromsø
- UArctic plans future student website at Finnish International Educators Days
- PhD position on the ethnography of Northern landscapes
- NCM Arctic Co-operation Program continues to fund the development of the joint UArctic PhD program on Arctic Health and Well-being
- Geopolitics and Security thematic network active in Shanghai
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Arctic Governance and Indigenous Innovation
- Norway gets Arctic University
- New Masters Program in Landscape Architecture in Tromsø
- European Commission approves preparatory project for EU Arctic Information Centre
- PhD training course on Security in a changing world was held in Oulu
- Invitation to apply: Master's in Indigenous Studies at UiT
- New Centre at the University of Tromsø
- NORDMARINE Network meeting in Tromsø
- PhD course Human Resources in Arctic extractive industries
- History of Arctic Exploration and Development conference held at NArFU
- Inger Maria Gaup Eira doctoral defence in Kautokeino
- Nordic Council of Ministers grants funding for UArctic PhD program on Arctic Health and Well-being
- Venus Transit Conference
- Calotte Academy 2012 program: May 28 - June -4 2012
- Council returns to Tromsø
- UArctic's 15th Council meeting kicks off in Tromsø
- UArctic Secretariat meeting with Ute Vogel on Global Access project
- Past4Future Open Forum - Special Session
- NArFU to Develop a New International Master Programme
- SKOLKOVO Moscow School of Management
- UArctic e-Learning Workshop: "Students’ scientific cooperation between Murmansk State Humanities University and the University of Tromsø"
- Arctic Frontiers 2012 - Energies of the High North – final call for papers
- UArctic EALAT Institute at Arctic Frontiers
- Living in the North – a seminar on the Barents region
- Progress update on Thematic Network on Arctic Law
- Successful application to the Nordic Council – with three UArctic partners!
- Creative Use of LMS, Wikis and Mobile Technologies for Learning Workshop
- Let others know how much the Arctic can offer and how attractive it is!
- University of Tromsø to continue to host UArctic's GoNorth Office
- The University of Tromsø offers PhD Fellowship - Indigeneity Beyond Boundaries
- The University of Tromsø welcomes applications for a full financed 4 year PhD fellowship with a deadline of 1 April 2011.
- UArctic wraps up at Arctic Frontiers