Thematic Network on Gender in the Arctic Knowledge Production

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Thematic Network on Gender in Arctic Knowledge Production


The thematic focus area of the network is to facilitate intersectional and gender-responsible knowledge production in and of the Arctic as part of sustainable development and related governance in the Circumpolar area. The multidisciplinary TN gathers interested researchers together especially from the UArctic member institutions to discuss, map and analyze the socio-material relationalities and ethico-onto-epistemologies in the Arctic knowledge production processes, which includes the definition and inclusion of indigenous knowledges. As a result of the collective work the TN will increase transdisciplinary understanding on intersectional and gender-responsible Arctic knowledge production i.e. research methodologies to further produce insights for sustainable Arctic knowledge production practices including its governance.


The goal is to co-create common understanding about intersectional gender-responsible knowledge production structures, processes and resources within UArctic. For this purpose, researchers interested to contribute to the focus area are invited to join the thematic network and to share their local practices and experiences in an on-line platform established exclusively for the TN. In addition to the on-line communication also physical meetings and workshops could be arranged at UArctic conferences and at Arctic Science Summit Weeks.

  • to map and elaborate upon formal gender equality plans (GEPs) and informal gender equality processes in diversity of UArctic member institutions to initiate a common GEP for UArctic, and
  • to map and elaborate upon intersectional gender-responsible methodologies already in use and propose guidelines for UArctic member institutions for such

Projects and Grants:

  • Redesigning equality and scientific excellence together RESET -project (1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024) focuses on implementation of the gender equality plans in European higher education institutions. TN will have synergies with the H2020 funded CSA project as UOulu is RESET.
  • Thule Institute at the University of Oulu provides grants for International Networking Actions in the Arctic Research. An application starting preparations for Gender in the Arctic Five Universities - exploratory workshop on intersectional gender equality measures and co-design of gender equality plans was successful. So an exploratory research workshop to connect with researchers in the thematic area is under planning including a preparation of a Nordic application.
  • IASC is an Observer to the Arctic Council and so is eligible to send representatives to Arctic Council’s Sustainable Development Working Group’s. Online Plenary Meeting was arranged on 26-28 November. TN lead participated as an IASC HS-WG HoD observer representative having special interest on gender impact assessment (GIA) of the proposed and ongoing projects. Further discussion on GIA is needed in aim to fully gain its benefits. TN member Embla Eir Oddsdóttir, Chair of the Social, Economic and Cultural Expert Group of the Arctic Council SDWG from Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network coordinating the Gender Equality in the Arctic activity presented the current phase of it. The value of the activity is indisputable:

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Other Information

More information and past activities can be found here.

Video interview: Mervi Heikkinen, Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Gender in the Arctic Knowledge Production