Our continuing goal is to create and strengthen knowledge and understanding on the relationship between the Arctic and Asia, including the lessons that may be learned from each other on, but not exclusive to these topics:
- the resolution of border disputes in the Arctic compared with Asia;
- the economics and logistics of the transshipment of goods from Asia through Arctic waters;
- questions of region-building in the Arctic and in Asia through institutionbuilding, etc.: e.g. comparing the Arctic Council and ASEAN;
- Asian influence in the Arctic Council;
- UNCLOS in the face of climate change and marine biodiversity in comparative perspective;
- Asia as a market for Arctic tourism;
- advancing sustainability science in the Arctic and Asia in global climate change;
- indigenous peoples in Northern Japan and the Arctic in comparative perspective;
- science diplomacy between the Arctic and Asia;
- China’s belt and road initiative and its meaning for the Arctic;
- Cross-border experiences in comparative perspective;
- Polar orientalism;
- Asian entrepreneurial interest in the Arctic;
- comparing sustainable and conventional energy markets in Asia and the Arctic, etc.
Each of these may form a foundation for teaching, research, and outreach activities led by a TN on The Arctic in Asia, and Asia in the Arctic.