Thematic Network on Arctic Economic Science

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The overall goal of the TN on Arctic Economic Science is to promote research that improve the knowledge of how the diverse changes in the Arctic affect opportunities and constraints of existing populations and the potential for economic growth/change, and thereby extend and improve the knowledge base for informed policy advice. The TN will further emphasize an experimental methodological approach in accordance with principles adhered to by the Economic Science Association (ESA). More institutions in the Arctic should be interested in doing social science experimental research as many institutions recently have begun to do outside the Arctic. A goal of the TN is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge necessary to get started. This goal may have immediate intrinsic value to the receiving institutions both in terms of enabling the use of experiments for educational purposes and giving a head start for doing own research, in addition to contributing to the overall goal in the long term.


Main activities in the short run are related to identifying research issues for joint projects and possible funding possibilities, and develop project proposals for applications. By bringing together institutions from different parts of the Arctic World, there is a range of potential benefits. The possible sources for funding increase, the general interest of the research is likely to be greater, cultural and language specific barriers to data collection from several countries are removed, international knowledge exchange within the network is facilitated, and a wider dissemination of results outside the research community is more easily obtainable.

To facilitate research cooperation, the TN plans on meeting physically on at least two occasions annually during international conferences and host workshops and organize sessions for paper presentations whenever appropriate. In addition, efforts are undertaken to ensure mobility among the partner institutions on a bilateral basis.

Other Information

More information and past activities can be found here.

Video interview: Stein Østbye, former Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Economic Science