Tiina Ikäheimo
Tiina Ikäheimo - UArctic Chair in Arctic Climate and Occupational Health UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Professor Tiina Ikäheimo has comprehensive knowledge from research related to environmental temperatures, human performance and health complemented with studies on physical activity and health. Her background education is in human physiology, and she has research experience from branches of science, such as public, environmental, and occupational health, as well as exercise sciences. Ikäheimo is a full-time professor in occupational health at UiT The Arctic University of Norway at the Department of Community Health and continues with a small work share at the Research Unit of Population Health at the University of Oulu, Finland. Her main research interests are focused on examining the impacts of climate and its abrupt change in the Arctic on occupational safety and health and with an interest on vulnerable groups of workers. Another objective of her research is to improve preparedness and resilience of workplaces through developing models and methods for reducing the expected adverse health effects of climate change. She leads two Arctic network projects with participants from the Nordic and other Arctic countries helping to fulfil these goals. She has through her research contributed to several peer-reviewed original articles and reviews, and produced international and national expert material, such as chapters in textbooks (including Arctic health) and professional guides. She has participated as a PI or co-PI, to several research and development projects. One example of international applicability related to her research is the production of an international standard for thermal environments (ISO15743 Cold workplaces-risk assessment and management). Professor Ikäheimo has profound experience in international co-operation through her work in publishing, first as an editor, and later as Editor-in-Chief (2003-11), of an international publishing association that published a peer-reviewed medical journal (Int J Circumpolar Health) on health matters of the Arctic areas. Being an active member of the international scientific community and chairperson or board member of several circumpolar health societies (International Union of Circumpolar Health, Nordic Society for Circumpolar Health, Finnish Society of Arctic Health and Biology) has connected her to different international positions of trust which are linked to high profile decision making concerning human health in the Arctic. For example, professor Ikäheimo co-operated with the Arctic Human Health Expert Group of the Arctic Council while serving in the International Association of Circumpolar Health Publishers. She was also recently appointed as an Arctic Six Chair (2024-6) which purpose is to promote co-operation in research and education between the six Nordic Arctic Universities. In addition to her long-term engagement in Arctic health, she has collaborated with WHO working as consultant related to low temperatures and human health, as well as having produced information material. She has also served as a Vice Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre of Global Change, Environment and Public Health at University of Oulu (2014-22) and participated to international high-profile meetings related to climate, environment, and health. Throughout her academic career she has participated in teaching environmental, occupational, and public health and contributed to developing higher education in fields of global public health. Currently, she has interests to promote co-operation between the Arctic universities to include contents related to Arctic occupational health to their higher education. She is also co-operating with two Arctic Doctoral Schools in Norway and Sweden though supervision of students. ORCID-ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2763-6004 Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tiina-Ikaeheimo