Dimitrios Dalaklis is a professor in safety and security at the World Maritime University. He joined WMU in the summer of 2014, upon completion of a twenty-six years distinguished career with the Hellenic Navy (HN). Having spent numerous years at sea, his expertise revolves around safety and security issues, including topics under the maritime education and training agenda. At the same time, he has maintained a very strong interest in developments relating to the wider Arctic region. Upon graduation from the Hellenic Naval Academy (HNA), he served on-board various large warships of the Hellenic Fleet. A very seasoned navigator, he has repeatedly dealt with navigation in confined waters; he has also completed a command tour at sea, being the Captain (CO) of H.S. NIKIFOROS. Dr. Dalaklis is a graduate of the Hellenic Navy's Command Staff College and after his graduation from the Hellenic Joint Warfare College he became the Head of the Navigation Simulator Department in the HNA. He then continued with various educational and training senior positions ashore. Based upon his expertise, he has performed, coordinated and supervised many series of training involving the use of simulators, as well as on-board practical workout programs. The same applies to various educational and/or professional development activities. Dr. Dalaklis, an Associate Fellow of the Nautical Institute (NI) and a Member of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME), holds a Bachelor in Maritime Sciences from HNA. His postgraduate studies took place in the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) of the United States, during which he was awarded with two different Masters' degrees (MSc in Information Technology Management, with distinction & Defence Analysis). He then conducted his PhD research at the University of the Aegean, Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport. He is the author/co-author of many articles, journal papers & studies in both the Greek and English language, with a strong research focus on issues related to the implementation of the SOLAS Convention and especially electronic equipment/systems supporting the safety of navigation. His academic work includes the books (2008) "Electronic Navigation Equipment” (and its new updated version (2016) "Electronic Navigation Equipment and Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS)”), as well as (2011) "Contemporary Sea Transport System and Piracy" and (2014) “GLOBAL GEOGRAPHY: The Key role of the Mediterranean in energy, maritime transport and environmental protection”, currently in use in various Greek higher education institutions. His first book in English (2018) “Trends and Challenges in Maritime Energy Management" was made available by Springer International Publishing AG. Discussing cutting edge technological developments, there are also (2022) “"Autonomous Vessels in Maritime Affairs” and “Smart Ports and Autonomous Systems", that were both made available by Palgrave Macmillan.