Arja Rautio is Professor in Arctic Research in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Oulu (UOULU). Her research focuses on health and wellbeing in the Arctic, climate change and interdisciplinary research ethics. She uses community based participatory research and One Health approaches in the projects funded mainly by Horizon Europe. She has field experience from Northern Canada, Svalbard, Greenland, Russia, and Nordic countries. Arja is a leader of community health and wellbeing in the on-going research projects of Nunataryuk, ILLUQ, EDCMET, ArcSolution, and Sámi reindeer herders’ health and wellbeing. As a medical doctor and toxicologist, she is acting in the human health expert groups (AHHEG and HHAG) under the working groups of Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) and Sustainable Development (SDWG) in the Arctic Council. During the Finnish Chairmanship of Arctic Council, she was acting a Chair of the AHHEG. Arja has been the VP Research UArctic and former leader of TN Health and wellbeing in the Arctic. The main educational activities are PhD education and international masters’ program on Health and wellbeing in the circumpolar region (leader, 2008-16). She has been a member of the Social and Human Working Group in the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). Arja was appointed the director of Thule Institute (2017-23), and Rector in Scientific Affairs of Summer University Central Bothnia (2001-09). She has been an organizer of several international conferences, workshops, and PhD courses. Arja is a head of Nordic Society of Circumpolar Health, and board member of International Union of Circumpolar Health.