Sámi Cultural Center Sajos, Inari PHOTO: Ville-Riiko Fofonoff / Sámediggi | Saamelaiskäräjät | The Sámi Parliament

UArctic Assembly 2025
Program Overview

UArctic Assembly Meeting / Inari, Finland /
6-9 June 2025

The program of the UArctic Assembly 2025 includes breakout sessions, Thematic Networks' and new members' presentations together with other program highlights.

The program is subject to change. Last update: 18.03.2025.

Thursday, June 5, 2025 

Arrival of Participants in Inari 

Accommodation Options: 

  • Inari Hotel (the discounted rate available June 4 - 10, 2025, promo code: SAKK25)


Friday, June 6, 2025

UArctic Pre-meetings at SAKK Facilities 

07:00 - 08:30

Toyon meeting (Closed, Wilderness Juutua Hotel)

09:00 - 10:00

Tour of SAKK (Sámi Educational Institution)

Introduction videos on Sámi culture

10:00 - 12:00

UArctic Pre-meetings

10:00 - 11:00

New Member applicants meeting (New member applicants, Natalia Nikolaeva, Member Engagement Coordinator and Outi Snellman, UArctic Secretary General)

10:00 - 11:00

Introduction to north2north (Open, Isabelle Guissard, Vice-President Mobility)

11:00 - 12:00

UArctic Strategic Clusters (Open, Lars Kullerud, UArctic President, and Jouko Niinimäki, UArctic Executive Vice-President)

11:00 - 12:00

UArctic Academic Development (Open, Diane Hirshberg, UArctic Vice-President Academic and Heather Nicol, Lead of the Leara Institute for Circumpolar Studies) 

12:00 - 14:00

Lunch at Aanaar Restaurant (Wilderness Juutua Hotel)


Registration for UArctic Assembly at Sámi Cultural Center Sajos


Guided tour of Sajos


Visit to The Sámi Museum and Nature Centre Siida and guided tour

  • Welcome speech by Director Taina Pieski 

17:00 - 19:30

Lake Inari Cruise including light snacks (Weather permitting) 


Saturday, June 7, 2025 

09:00 - 15:30

UArctic Assembly Meeting at Sajos (Dolla Auditorium)


Reindeer Farm Visit (Inari Reindeerfarm, 14 km from Inari)


Dinner at Ukko Restaurant (Wilderness Hotel Inari)


Concert by Áilu Valle & Mikkâl Morottaja (Amoc) at Ukko Restaurant


Sunday, June 8

09:00 - 17:00

UArctic Assembly Meeting at Sajos (Dolla Auditorium) 

Lunch at Café-Restaurant Čaiju  


Optional Evening Excursion: Sulaoja Nature Trail (Kevo Nature Park). Duration: 4-5 hours

18:00-20:00 Optional Evening dinner at Hotel Inari for those who do not go to Sulaoja Excursion


Monday, June 9

09:00 - 13:00

UArctic Assembly Meeting at Sajos (Dolla Auditorium) 

Ending with Lunch at Café-Restaurant Čaiju  


Afternoon Excursions  

Motorboat Trip to Ravadas Waterfalls (Lemmenjoki River) Paltto Elämysretket Website. Duration: 7 hours 

Self-Guided Hikes: